Dear Colleagues and Friends, supervisors and provers, doctors and homeopathic method respected by not doctors!
International Homeopathic School Proving invites you to participate in The First International Conference on Homeopathic provings.
The conference will focus on the following issues:
- Proving’s philosophy and practice
- Investigation of new substances in homeopathy: relevance and issues
- “Group and Proving” phenomena
- Provings of new and known remedies
- Proving-related clinical observations: case studies
- "Prover's notes": personal observations of researchers
You can do that:
- Participate in expositions
- Report (15-45 minutes). The time of the report will be determined by the organizers.
- Send articles for posting in the conference materials on this portal.
Requirements for publications:
- Font 12, interval - one and a half
- Abstracts should be sent in MS Word format, with obligatory indication of authors' names, data, e-mail address and contact phone number.
- Capacity up to 10 sheets
- The work should reflect the relevance of the topic, purpose, objectives, materials and methods of research, results, conclusions. Abstracts may include graphs and tables.
It is planned to hold an exhibition of products of the conference participants according to the profile of the event.
Conference materials will be printed on this portal.
Entrance by pre-registration.
The conference will be held on May 21, 2010 from 10.00 to 19.00.
The place of the conference is being specified.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail:
Or by phone: +7-965-318-51-25